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A couple's adventure that spanned the globe

With a thirst for adventure and an irrepressible curiosity, we set out on a world tour that would take us to the brink of death, the pinnacle of health and vigour and everywhere in between.  This is a story of courage in the face of fear, love in times of adversity and the struggle to endure.

Our Story

      We spent ten years on the road, following an uncertain path, using various modes of transport.  Our favourite way to travel is by bicycle, taking up the majority of our time and seeing us through 60,000 kilometres of pretty much every terrain there is.  Our tent was our main accommodation, offering a constantly (albeit subtly) changing stage for us to experience the orchestra of nature.  This endeavour was free from corporate sponsorship and made possible through the help of numerous kind-hearted people around the planet.  Exploring the world is a dream shared by many and realized by more and more everyday.  There is beauty and mystery out there for all of us.

      In the book we’ve attempted to portray the reality of life on the road for ten years.  In this portrayal, we’ve clung to timeless truths that were continually reaffirmed to us throughout the journey.  We hope that in doing so we’ve created a way for the reader to relate to how we felt while we were out there and how we feel now.  We tried to reflect in our words the changes we underwent during the course of the voyage and we hope this is evident through the procession of the pages.  In the end, we’ve produced a work that we are profoundly proud of and are indeed pointedly pleased to present you with the opportunity to sit back, relax and enjoy our Decade of Discovery.


"We are prosperous and languishing, strong and weak, exploiting and exploited, together as one organism floating in a sea of time and space."

My Books

"I'm not sure if this is an epic or an odyssey, but if you chose to describe it as an epic odyssey, I would not disagree with you."


Author of Today I ate Cow Stomach


June 22, 2019

North Country Fair

Driftpile, Alberta

6:30PM Presentation

June 21, 2019

North Country Fair

Driftpile, Alberta

6:00PM Presentation

June 15, 2019

Peace River Minicipal Library

9807 97 ave, Peace River, AB

10:30AM Presentation and signing

July 18, 2018

Whitecourt & District Public Library

5201 49 st, Whitecourt, AB

6:00PM Presentation & Signing

January 21, 2018

St. Albert Public Library

St. Albert Place, #5 St. Anne st, St. Albert, AB

2:00PM Presentation & Signing

November 27, 2017


10905 100 st, Grande Prairie, AB

6:00PM Presentation & Signing

November 19, 2017

Whitecourt & District Public Library

5201 49 st, Whitecourt, AB

2:30PM Presentation & Signing

November 02, 2017

High Prairie Municipal Library

4723 53 Ave, High Prairie, AB

7:00PM Presentation & Signing

October 25, 2017

Onoway Community Hall

4920 49 Ave, Onoway, AB

7:00PM Presentation & Signing

October 24, 2017

Strathcona County Library

401 Festival Lane, Sherwood Park, AB

7:00PM Presentation & Signing


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